Oil and Lubricants Warehouse

Amid industrial development, we introduce you to our new project: a shelter for oils and lubricants. This facility is not merely a storage space but combines the functionality of a warehouse with the elegance of an administrative building. As you browse the attached images, you'll notice the phased transitions of its construction. A focal point of our design involves playing with the foundation and structure, exploring how these two components shape the final outcome. By studying each step, you can envision how every slab, every beam, and every steel rod will fit into the final picture.
Expect more in our "portfolio" section, where we will proudly reveal the finished look of this building. As we always love to say: "Imagination does wonders!" And as we dream of future projects, we delight in seeing this current project come to life.

Year : 2023

Project Name : Oil and Lubricants Warehouse

Location : Zlatibor